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Tongue Tie Treatment

Lip tie and tongue tie is a condition where lips and the tongue are held too tightly by the frenum (the ligament or string that attaches the lips and tongue to the gums and jaw bone). If left untreated, this ties can cause a range of teeth, speech and feeding problems.

  • Babies: breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding difficulties

  • Toddler: eating difficulties, speech difficulties

  • Children: speech difficulties, jaw development, teeth alignment

  • Adults: speech difficulties gum recession, sleeping disorders, postural problems

Our laser procedure to release frenums has been successfully performed on people of all ages – from infants through to adults.

Lasers are more gentle on the body than traditional methods that involve cutting and stitching.

Advantages include:

  • removes the tissue precisely

  • almost no bleeding afterward

  • no stitches are needed in most cases

  • general anaesthesia is usually not needed

  • a baby will suckle immediately after the procedure

  • children can go to school the next day

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